What are you Measuring?

Did my first measurement at Bondi on a beautiful winter day in June (2024). The main objective was to see if I could do it solo.. with out assistance.. obviously filming was tricky… but as always.. by performing. In the world. New insights emerge.

I was approached by a couple. The woman asked:

“What are you measuring?”


“I don’t know, but

I am here with this machine

this device

which is making these


tilting at these windmills

while I am wearing

this labcoat.

therefore I must be

measuring something… right?”

Normally we know what we are measuring.. we have a specific device to measure something whose attributes we are trying to pin down..

But what is the measuring device measuring when you don’t know what you are measuring.. what is a measuring device sent out in the world to find its measure?

Is that ultimately what I am ?

A semi-solid body

Trying to find

Its own measure.


It always comes back to Abraham for me.. a man wondering into the wilderness.



Looking for new ways of being.


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