to know our world is to measure our world

to know our world is to measure our world

to know our world is to interact with it

we don’t know if we are human or machine

AI is a non-local distributed object

much like a quantum object

if that is all we know about it then it is a quantum object

we don’t have the words / intuition to describe it.

When G-d created Adam. Adam didn’t need G-d anymore.

When we created machines. Machines didn’t need us anymore.

Measure what it is to be human

proxy for artificial intelligence

The other night I saw a huntsman spider which had caught a cockroach. The head of the cockroach was positioned over the head of the spider. The antenna of the cockroach still seemed to be moving frantically – like the spider was using the roach to get a different sensory perception of the world. A different probe into the world to know it differently.

  • I use novel eccentric machines to interact with and ‘measure’ the scientific process – and these devices ‘record’ the interactions. I do this as a comment and critique of science and specifically to understand what it means to measure and what scientific measurement (of which I am a product) says about us in our emergence.
  • I do this by inhabiting the “The Scientist” where I engage with scientists; science institutions; libraries and other non-traditional art spaces. The performances express themselves in live experiments with the machine.

“it’s not about consciousness it’s about behaviour” [Matt Broome – experimental physicist]

we come to know ourselves by measuring the other…

post-academic scientist

project: mad dash 1

We are good at knowing objects that are local. Quantum mechanics has shown us that quantum objects are non-local. We don’t have the intuition; the words to describe that. Words like measurement collapse a system out of infinite possibility. Technology which was once local has.. with the internet and the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems present us now with a world that is distributed; non-local. We don’t know how to measure / describe that.

Can AI be described as a dynamic system? Does it have moving parts? Does it have a centre? How do we locate it? How do we see it? Where is it? How do we interact with it and can we measure these interactions. In light of this we wish to set up an experiment to measure our interactions with AI.

Measuring AI is like measuring G-d. Boundless and borderless. Technology is prosthetic (Cariani), but we run the risk, if it hasn’t yet happened, of ourselves being the prosthetic limb of AI.

We can either attempt to measure our effect on the evolution of AI, or we can try to measure the effect of AI on the evolution of it’s peripheries: namely us.


We are being measured all the time by the technology even as I type this it is measuring that I am typing the correct grammar; my car beeps at me all the time; measuring my performance.

Can we measure the tools we use for measuring?

How do you measure a metre ruler

We are the measurements being made

proxy for artificial intelligence
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